Transition Management

When to apply Transition Management?

  • One of your key managers is unplanned absent for an undefined period of time?
  • You need to bridge a temporary management bottleneck or vacancy?
  • A significant order is won but your organisation is not entirely ready yet to execute?
  • A quick organisational change is required but no internal resources and/or skills are available?
  • A change in strategy needs to be appropriately communicated and deployed into the organisation?
  • Integration of a new unit but no internal resources and/or skills are available?
  • Execution of a time restricted project but internal bottleneck on available resources?
  • You need very specific competencies to complete a strategic project?
  • You need to set-up/ to improve a financial reporting system including cash tracking?
  • Liquidation of an unit?

Why to use DaMa Consulting?

Taking the lead as financial (CFO) or general manager (CEO), DaMa Consulting:
  • Adds extensive financial and international business expertise into the organisation,
  • Brings external leadership competences with new ideas,
  • Fits quickly and efficiently in any international and multicultural organisation,
  • Motivates multi-cultural teams,
  • Manages and controls complex and/or tense situations.
If needed, DaMa Consulting connects you for the other key functions of your organisation to the adequate transition managers.

The outcome: the organisation is led efficiently through the transition phase in line with the defined objective.

Types of Mandates

DaMa Consulting operates according to the 3 classical types of mandates for Transition Managers:
  • Continuity Mandate
    Mandate to continue business as usual, meaning carrying on policies, procedures and strategies. No organisational changes are part of the defined objectives.

  • Improvement Mandate
    Assuring the continuity but improving current process, policies and procedures. Some minor changes to the organisation might be required.

  • Turnaround Mandate
    Challenging and redefining the current business strategy and implementing drastic changes to the organisation.

The duration of a mandate depends highly of the type of mission and the related complexity. It varies mostly between 3 and 15 months.


What is Transition Management?

  • Transition managers help the organisations to temporarily bridge a specific management need. They are immediately available and are appointed for a defined period of time.

  • Transition managers are empowered to execute their mandate, in line with an upfront defined objective, as being part of the organisation and they put their business expertise at the service of the organisation.

  • Transition managers can cover different operational responsibilities, most commonly: HR, Finance (CFO), Sales & Marketing, Manufacturing (COO), IT (CIO), General management (CEO) and Supply chain.

Transition Manager vs Consultants

  • Consultants bring their concepts and analysis as an outsider but they will not take on the responsibility of the implementation or deployment of the strategy or concept.

  • Transition Managers have defined powers; they will operate directly in the organisation and will take direct responsibility of executing the defined objective.

Advantages of a Transition Manager

  • New external ideas & know how,
  • Flexibility and availability,
  • Independence,
  • Business expertise,
  • Confidentiality,
  • Time-savings,
  • External leadership competences.

Some Practical Transition Management Cases

  • General management - France - 12 m€ sales - Continuity mandate
  • Financial management - Corporate - 160 m€ sales - Improvement mandate: Group consolidation and strategic planning process
  • General management - Europe - 40m€ sales - Turnaround mandate: transition to group exit
  • Financial management - Germany - 21 m€ sales - Continuity mandate
  • Financial management - France - 15 m€ sales - Turnaround mandate: transition to group exit
  • General management - Germany - 21 m€ sales - Turnaround mandate; making positive EBITDA, then group exit
  • General management - Belgium - 10 m€ sales - Improvement mandate: Process & operational improvements
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Transition Management