Mergers & Acquisitions Integration

DaMa Consulting offers operational support during your Mergers & Acquisitions or divestitures projects.

To increase the rate of success, an involvement of DaMa Consulting in the early stages of strategy definition and target identification is highly recommendable.

Why to use DaMa Consulting for M&A Integration?

A lot of external consultants and advisors (lawyers, accountants, auditors, bankers…) participate actively during any acquisition process. None of those parties assist the buyer with the operational integration & communication process; process which is a key element of a successful acquisition.

Thanks to its experience, DaMa Consulting offers operational field support to elaborate and to implement the communication and integration plan for newly acquired companies.

The integration and communication plan

The plan that DaMa Consulting elaborates, depends highly on the structure and nature of the acquired company and the initial acquisition objective. Some common elements are:
  • Acquisition strategy translated into relevant business process at the different levels of the organisations,
  • Defined monthly KPI’s and related tracking process,
  • Detailed action plan by key function for both companies, indicating who is leading the action and by when it needs to be terminated,
  • Identification of key milestones,
  • Communication strategy towards different business partners, like customers, suppliers, employees & unions,
  • Regular review process at different levels.

Why to use DaMa Consulting for Divestitures?

Any divestiture decision can, from a communication perspective, be treated in two ways: confidentially or publicly known. In both cases, having an external business advisor, who analyses objectively the strengths and weaknesses of the company to be divested, will ease the process.

DaMa Consulting conducts efficiently and autonomously, divestitures process so the seller can maintain his management focus on the core parts of his business.

The Divestiture approach

Based upon practical cases experience, DaMa Consulting will:
  • In case of a confidential process:
  • Identify and contact confidentially the potential buyers.
  • Make the pre-selection process more efficient by analysing detailed financial information’s and have a good understanding of the culture, the objectives of the seller and of the added value of the company,
  • Improve data room reviews which shortens significantly the total divestiture process,
  • Assist during final terms & conditions negotiation and final closure,
  • Set-up the communication process.

  • In case of a publicly known process:
  • Manage, lead and re-assure the employees, qualified now as being part of a non-strategic unit, through the transition process of due diligence and transfer to new ownership,
  • Maintain the current business performance from a customer satisfaction and shareholder perspective ("business as usual"),
  • Assist during final terms & conditions negotiation and final closure,
  • Set-up the communication process.

Some Practical M&A and Divestitures Cases

  • Merge of 2 European divisions - 380m€ sales - Pan-European functional organisation
  • Divestiture process - Germany - 15 m€ sales
  • Integration and Merge - France - 40m€ sales
  • Divestiture process for European non-strategic group (Norway, Germany, Poland, Denmark, Switzerland, Finland, France) - 45m€ sales
  • Integration - UK - 10m€ sales
  • Divestiture - Germany - 21m€ sales
  • MBO - France - 15m€ sales
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Merger and Acquisition Integration